How to get word of mouth referrals

5 factors to prompt people to talk about you more

With support from featured sponsor Space Cookie Designs

Does your website keep falling off the to do list? Stacey Nicholls with Space Cookie Designs is all about elevating your online presence from “Oops, still working on it” to “Oh wow, you HAVE to see my site!" Book a call with Stacey today🍪

I interview hundreds of entrepreneurs a year about how they book clients.

When I ask them what their top source of leads is, they all say the same thing:

“Word of mouth”

Now as a marketer who helps creatives find and book clients, I find this answer bothersome for two reasons:

1) It’s a flattened way to look at a very complex set of mechanics

2) It discards how much you can affect that system

It’s like if I asked you what went into getting your last degree and you said

“I showed up to graduation.”

Word of mouth is a system around you, whether or not you manage it!

Word of Mouth system

At the center of the system is YOU doing something so great people want to talk about it.

This should include your paid work but it can also be a newsletter issue, a talk you gave or a checklist you created.

Surrounding you, we have:

👥 PEOPLE: The people you already know. Including clients, partners, collaborators, supporters, followers and friends.

📺 CHANNELS: The ways you communicate with the above people which ideally double as easy entry points for soft referrals. Social media, newsletters and podcasts are common choices here.

➡️ ASSETS: The publicly shareable assets you create. Your website, every edition of your newsletter, social posts, podcast episodes. These are the discrete items someone might forward, share, or reference.

💬 MESSAGES: The sound bites people say when they talk about you. You can plant these seeds should you choose to.

⏰ TIMING: The frequency with which you communicate on your channels which both help you stay in touch with your current network and make those soft referrals more fruitful.

Reading through this, you might see an obvious opportunity in your word of mouth system, but if you do not, play backwards the last few referrals you had and consider what made them successful…or not.

Could it be one of these mechanics needs tweaking? 👀

So many of you ask about how to drive word of mouth, it demanded its own episode! Listen to “How to drive word of mouth to book better clients” right now or queue it up for later.

📰 Classifieds

  • Reviews can help you sell more! I use Senja to collect better video and text testimonials. Their easy system has helped me sell more digital products and attract more new members.

  • Hesitant to talk about your work? Uncover your unique value proposition and build confidence with this $97 1:1 coaching session from Pame Barba.

🛠️ Tools for word of mouth

  • Airtable: I use Airtable to track my network and details around those people I really care about staying in touch with. (Though I am thinking of moving everything to Notion!)

  • Groove: I love Groove not just for virtual coworking but for meeting creatives all over the world. I expand my amplifier network with Groove every week in a casual, non-networky way.

  • Partnero: What’s cool about Partnero is that it offers both a newsletter referral program and product affiliates. Made by the founders of Mailerlite.

  • Senja: Y’all already know I love Senja for how easy they make it to capture and reuse reviews all over the internet. Check out my speaking page for an example.

  • Thnks: Give easy appreciation with simple gifts sent virtually. Shout out to Danielle Levy for introducing me to Thnks!

Just a heads up! Some of these may be affiliate links and if you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. I only promote tools I believe are valuable to you and many of them offer free plans!

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