Play LinkedIn Levers bingo with us

Grab your free card and play along with Low Energy Leads

LinkedIn can be a great source to find clients, but it’s not just about posting.

When I interview people about getting leads from LinkedIn, they also highlight:

  • Your buyers can find you based on the keywords in your profile.

  • Your comments on other posts get widely seen.

  • Your clients can tag you in reviews which show to both your networks.

  • You can use DMs as an easy stay in touch for slower moving leads.

That’s why throughout May, we’re playing LinkedIn Levers Bingo.

With your bingo card, you’ll test out some of these lead levers and go beyond posting content. By the end of bingo, you should have a sense of which levers will work best for you.

Here’s how to play

  1. Comment on my post that you’re playing and you got your card

  2. You can get bingo across or down but not diagonal.

  3. Submit your card anytime during May on that same LinkedIn post by saying “Bingo!” and sharing a screenshot of your completed card

  4. The first winner will be featured in the newsletter AND you’ll get a first run Low Energy Leads t-shirt (I’ll reach out to you via LinkedIn!)

LinkedIn is having a moment and we are jumping in to bask in its glow.

Next time you hear someone say “I booked this client from LinkedIn,” ask them to tell you the story. You just might hear a lever you have not tried yet.

P.S. If you’re not on the Low Energy Leads newsletter, join the list here. We’re covering LinkedIn all month and you’ll hear the stories, strategies and actions you can try too!


or to participate.