Drum up some leads before the holidays đŸ„

5 tests to try if you're striking out these days

Low Energy Link of the Week

Get in on the free training Web designer Christy Price and I are hosting TOMORROW (Thu, Nov 9) at 11am Eastern on how to Crack the Formula to Find Your Buyers

My first year working for myself I had a little panic in November.

The holidays were fast approaching and I didn’t have many prospects for the new year. I was already starting to get out of office messages. Meetings were being pushed into January. It was not an easy time to book work.

If you are already feeling that end of year crunch, here’s five test recipes you can try to drum up some leads.

⏰ Test 1: Add urgency with 2024 rate increase reminder

Why do it: If you are planning to increase rates next year, you can optionally allow people to pre-book Q1 at your 2023 rates (or you can offer a limited number of slots at those rates).

What you’re testing: Messaging. You’re testing whether your clients are motivated by a limited time offer and whether you can prompt action with this message alone.

Where to do it: Anywhere your buyers are hanging out. Your email list. A social channel. During sales calls. Your podcast. Your favorite communities.

📣 Test 2: Trade promo with your business partners

Why do it: It’s a feel good holiday way to spread the love while getting some fresh eyes on what you do. Having another business vouch for you adds social proof for your services too. (Make sure you choose a business complementary to yours)

What you’re testing: Audiences. How much can you tap into your business partners audiences? And how buy ready are they?

Where to do it: Use a channel you already use and know well. The channel you use can be different from where your partner promotes you. Play to your strengths and give each other the best shot at getting your work seen.

💌 Test 3: Mail something to your target clients

Why do it: Ad man David Ogilvy made a prediction in 1985 that direct mail would still be reigning supreme all these years later and it turns out he was right. Physical mail and email remain some of our strongest direct to buyer channels. That’s why you see politicians use it every election cycle.

What you’re testing: Channel and audience. Your ability to target this list well is pretty key here and you’re likely better off sending these to existing leads you want to close but if you get focused with it, it can work cold too. Keep your graphics and message simple and google around for winning examples.

Where to do it: In the mail! You can put together a CSV of mailing addresses manually or you can get a regional list if your business works locally. Vistaprint will print and mail 100 postcards for around $100 USD.

đŸ’» Test 4: Offer a free training that doubles as a client readiness session

Why do it: Free trainings (by whatever name you want to call them: webinars, masterclasses, etc) can get some fence sitters off the fence if they aren’t *quite* ready to reach out. Plus, if the work you do is specialized and your clients need a wee bit of education, you can use this session to help get them more ready to start projects (think about major barriers your clients have to working with you)

What you’re testing: Message and channels. The title of your training will offer you a very clear signal about your message (if people RSVP). And since your training will need some promotion, you may also end up testing some channels in this recipe though I’d recommend leaning into channels that already work for you.

Where to do it: Choose the channel(s) you use most frequently to promote it but most often this will include your email list, your social channels and possibly targeted outreach to recent prospects.

🎉 Test 5: Feature a client success story as a way to bring in more qualified leads

Why do it: Highlighting your clients and their success is a win-win. Often, they’re proud to share it with their audience and your audience gets to see the outcomes of your work. If what you offer is not well understood, success stories are a great way to make your services more tangible for your buyers.

What you’re testing: Message. You want to know if the social proof, tangible process and clear outcomes drive new leads in who have been keeping eyes on your work OR new leads in from your client’s audience.

Where to do it: Wherever it’s most likely to get seen. If you and your client are both active on a social channel, you can feature it there. Otherwise, I’d lean towards an email campaign. If you want to be really bold, you can turn it into an ad or pitch it to relevant publications. Make sure you get consent from your client, of course.

Of course, you can also always go back to recipes that have worked for your business before too: Audience targets that are buy ready for your services and pricepoints. Channels where leads already come from. Messages that resonate to get them taking action.

Which one of these test recipes is most appealing to you? Reply and let me know which one you’re going to try.

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