I've never tried this audience growth channel. Have you?

This super untapped channel sits in between search and social media

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There’s two paths to win at any marketing channel.

You can be the first.

Or you can be the best.

As you already know, it’s kind of hard to be first. It’s also very competitive to be the best.

Good thing there’s a secret third path 👀

Grow your email list by sharing what your readers are saying! Use Senja to capture reviews like clockwork from your newsletter audience and post the best ones in your most active communities to drive new subscribers.

The third path is to operate in a niche arena. A smaller channel within a channel. A space where your ideal audience is gathered and focused on the topic that you are also focused on.

Ever heard of Reddit?

I was stunned to learn that Reddit was the top organic channel for The Lazy Reader newsletter.

This week, we’re getting into how that works! Plus, you’ll get some tips on how to apply the same marketing method in your own online communities.

Our theme of how to grow your email list with right buyers continues below!

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  • 🪐Banish burnout in your business and Get WEIRD! Cee Reel's five-step framework helps recalibrate your day-to-day around your energy, authenticity and values. Join the waitlist for updates and discounts!

  • 🦄Move beyond your internal clusterf*ck and proudly own what you want. Every day for 4 days, coach Kari Ginsburg will send you an email that will help you boldly turn up the volume on your truest, most colorful self—with 1:1 support along the way. Join the (free!) "I Want Challenge."

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How Tristan uses Reddit to grow his email list

While many of us are shouting into the abyss on social media (guilty as charged), some people are getting more targeted with how they find their audience.

Tristan, a freelance writer and the creator of The Lazy Reader, was looking for ways to grow his email list when he came across the r/longform subreddit.

He started posting reading lists there every week with a little plug at the end for his newsletter.

Wouldn’t you know it? It worked.

Reddit is now Tristan’s biggest organic growth channel.

It’s an exact match from this niche community to what Tristan’s newsletter covers. Tristan says it probably helped that the subreddit was kind of dead before he started posting there and it also helps that the moderators are ok with a little contextual self-promotion.

Bingo! Third path unlocked.

Try communities to grow your email list

Reddit is definitely heating up as a channel to grow your audience—newsletter or not. But if the little red robot site isn’t your bag, you can still steal this strategy!

🎯Pick your niche community
You can dig for a subreddit like Tristan, ask for recommendations from clients or google around for a topical community. It might even be a place you’ve been hanging out for months! Go back through those lapsed log ins with fresh eyes.

Make sure it’s a spot your buyer lookalikes (or your ideal referral partners) are gathering and also that it’s a place you’ll want to continue to invest in.
[Also check out: my recommendations on communities]

📺️Choose the topic space
In a Slack or Circle group, you’ll have to figure out the right channel to put your teasers. With platforms like Reddit, the subreddit is the most niche space. Stay relevant!

✏️ Write your hook and teaser
You don’t just want to be like “Here’s my email list everyone! Join it!” (Seems obvious but the amount of careless promoting I see is WILD).

Instead, you’re going to write a hook (just like you’d do for social media) and you’re going to share something interesting from a past or future issue of what you email people about. Need inspiration? Check out what Tristan does.

💌Invite people to subscribe
Include your call to action at the end to invite community members to get on your list. This is where that standalone newsletter page comes in handy!

One last thing, this is a quality → quantity game. Choosing one or two communities to really get involved in and not just promote to, will pay off more than only showing up to get subscribers or clients.

Next week, we’ll talk about how to try this out on social media!

Take part in the Stacking Up Subs Challenge!

Growing your email list right now? Join us for the Stacking Up Subs Challenge! It’s free to participate and it’s running through July. Get motivated and get it going with this friendly competition.

Are you already in for the challenge?Update your sub count on our leaderboard!

Want to join our challenge? Comment on the board with your name, newsletter link and current sub count and I’ll add you!

Week over week sub count before this week’s clock in

Every week in July, you’ll update your subscriber number. The winner (who grows their own list by the most subs) gets a feature in this very newsletter! And the satisfaction of knowing you took action on your goals 🏆️

Looking for even more momentum?

I’m hosting two live extravaganzas this summer and you’re invited!

🏖️July 31:Map Your Path to More Clients! Join me to map your marketing system piece by piece and walk away with your top three opportunities to book more clients this quarter. ($29 ticket or FREE if you’ve bought something from my shop)

🧭August:100 Subs Quest! Every Tuesday in August, we’re growing your email list. If you dig our July theme of stacking up subscribers, you’re gonna love doing it live with a community. Each week, we’ll launch a live mini-mission on our quest to ADD 100 SUBS TO YOUR LIST. ($99 for the whole quest!)

Want to share my events with your audience? Hit reply and let me know. I have an Amplifier Program and I’d love to include you!

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P.S. I wrote you this email after surviving my first mountain biking trip in Oaxaca, Mexico. I’ll be back at work full time next week.


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