I can make money from...speaking?

Four quick tips to make speaking pay off more whether you want clients or you just want to get paid

Would you do a one hour virtual Q&A for $2000?

When I got this offer in 2021, I thought it was a scam. 👻 

You want me to get on Zoom? For an hour? Answer questions I know the answers to?

And you’re going to pay me how much?!

I had never been paid that much for something that easy.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking…“well, Lex, you kind of have a history of underselling yourself.”


However, I had been speaking since 2013. I had been getting paid for it since 2018. With over 100 speaking engagements under my belt by this time, I was still stunned to get an offer like this.

I shouldn’t have been.

It took me YEARS to understand what I should be doing with my speaking career and I’m only just barely starting to. Even so, I get asked a lot about speaking, how to get paid for it and how to get clients from it.

That’s what this issue is all about. My top 4 lessons on talking out loud for money.

Get The Shortcut Pack to read the rest.

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The Shortcut Pack includes:

  • • 5 newsletter shortcuts
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  • • Plus how to crack sponsorship, speaking, membership and more