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  • How to make your creative business stand out in a crowded market

How to make your creative business stand out in a crowded market

If business feels unpredictable on the outside, it's time to look inside

Low Energy Link of the Week

Want to get better at messaging? My sell-with-story email teacher Tarzan Kay is hosting a free workshop on writing more inclusive copy and I highly recommend going

Is it just me or is running a business right now SUPER UNPREDICTABLE?

Prospects leaving you hanging.
Clients taking more time to close.
Referrals not coming in like they used to.

The internet is crowded. We’re all online, all day, every day. Getting our eyes bombarded by notifications, messages, calls, courses, offers, ads, posts, feeds, news….shall I go on?

It kinda makes sense people are not responding. They simply can’t keep up.

The good news is that, you and me, we’ve got something untouchable going for us.

It’s our way of being.

Here’s what I mean:

  • The people we know and how we treat them

  • The ways we collaborate and amplify others

  • The experiences we deliver and how we deliver them

  • The agility with which we adapt to new information

That’s how we send out signal and stand out from the noise.

This week on the show, I explored this idea. Some ways to make your business stand out from within.

I asked you about this earlier this week and here’s a few things you shared:

  • Serial entrepreneur Naeemah Jade shared “Behind every successful business, there's a human story.”

  • Sales expert Jillian Murphy commented “Humans and heartbeats are the foundation of relationship capital and selling!”

  • Content creator Jasmine Jae wrote “More depth and intent over attention...Yaass. THAT.” when it comes to showing up online

  • Social strategist Kristina Bartold-Sorgota said “Leads over likes and authentic community over followers”

Every time I have a panic about how many sales I have coming in, I turn to the people who have already shown their support. I consider how I can bring them closer into the fold. Sometimes that’s just getting on the phone with them to hash out some ideas. Other times, it’s doing an event together or recording a show together.

It’s easy to feel like you need to post more, publish more, or network more to drum up work but before you do that, see if you can add more value to the people you’re already surrounded by.

You might be surprised at how that brings in new faces.

This episode is brought to you by the Starting a Business Simplified podcast hosted by Suzy Wraines. If you’re just launching your business, Suzy’s got you covered with a step by step handbook on what you need to succeed.

What’s one thing you want to do to stand out with your crowd?

P.S. Enrollment opens tomorrow for the November round of Growthtrackers. If you need a little focus on where to find your clients, get your Guest Pass and start cracking your client finding formula before we head into 2024.

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