This one thing made me take LinkedIn more seriously

I checked my lead tracker and saw 25% of my new business is closing via LinkedIn

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I was sleeping on LinkedIn.

I was always more of a Twitter fan so I didn’t bother with LinkedIn.

I loved Twitter so much I embroidered my handle onto a jacket. I tweeted my heart out, building my professional network and reputation on the bird app over the last decade (and well…we know how well that turned out).

But it’s not just me coming late to LinkedIn. The cubicle-turned-channel is definitely having its moment in the sun right now.

Get better, more persuasive testimonials from your customers by asking the right questions. Instead of saying “Can I have a testimonial,” use Senja’s ultimate list of testimonial questions. This quick resource can be sorted by freelancer, community, newsletter, course and more!

What caught my attention was when I checked my lead tracker and noticed around 25% of my new business is CLOSING with help from LinkedIn.

For me, LinkedIn is not so much a visibility channel where people meet me the first time…it’s a trustbuilder. It’s a get to know me place. It’s a closer.

One of the coolest parts of LinkedIn (yeah, I can’t believe I wrote that either) is that it’s not just about posting content.

  • Your buyers can find you based on the keywords in your profile.

  • Your comments on other posts get widely seen.

  • Your clients can tag you in reviews which show to both your networks.

  • You can use DMs as an easy stay in touch for slower moving leads.

Today, we’re kicking off a series on LinkedIn for Leads! We’re looking at how keywords, comments, reviews and DMs support your client pipeline.

Follow along when you grab your free Bingo Card 🤩 

Let’s get started with a quick look at your LinkedIn profile—read on below!

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  • Consent-based email marketing skills for people who are oh-so-done with fear and FOMO, written by ex-grifter and recovering 7-figure girlboss Tarzan Kay. 1-Click Instant Subscribe

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Get leads from LinkedIn with your profile keywords

The story

Copywriter Shawnna Stiver shared with me that she recently booked a solid client on LinkedIn. She didn’t know them before—they found her by searching for some variation on “copywriter” + “Des Moines” + “financial services.”

I asked Shawnna why she thought they cared about her being local and she replied “they wanted someone who could be on site for any creative kick off meetings.”

This client is a great fit according to Shawnna, and even though there was a little negotiation about schedule and price expectations, it’s showing potential for a longterm relationship.

The strategy

Shawnna’s using keywords in her tagline, her about section, her services and her company description.

The keywords include terms about her job like “copywriter” “content development” and terms about industries like “financial” “alcohol/beverage” “parenting.”

Want more evidence this strategy can work? Content creator Jasmine Jae confirmed the keywords in her About section played a similar role for her saying that she landed a contract gig with PBS via LinkedIn.

The action

Show us your work when you copy your Bingo Card and add on my post!

  1. Tagline: Include at least one searchable phrase like “copywriter”

  2. Bio: Add the right soft CTA (newsletter, podcast, lead magnet)

  3. Header: Check that your company and location are current

  4. About: Punch this up with a few keyword phrases your buyers might search like your skills or industry expertise

Come back next week and we’ll chat about how to use commenting!

🧭 Join us for The LinkedIn Levers Quest!

Hearing the hype about LinkedIn but not yet getting results? Join us for The LinkedIn Levers Quest. We’ll test 4 different levers on LinkedIn together with the goal of closing one lead during the quest!

Featuring 5 live sessions, including one with LinkedIn expert Tania Bhattacharyya, camaraderie with the Growthtrackers, a quest workbook and prizes. 👀

10 spots available. Running May 7-May 28. $99 USD. Included for Growthtrackers.

Have you booked clients via LinkedIn?

Share what's most effective for you and I may reach out to include you in the series

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