Need a quick visibility hack?

I can't stop talking about Abhishek's success soundbites. Try it yourself today in less than an hour.

Collect testimonials with our featured sponsor Senja

Just because you’re active in a community doesn’t mean those people trust you enough to buy from you, refer you or collaborate with you.

You’ve got to earn their trust like Abhishek Kumar does.

Did you know 6-figure creator Jay Clouse uses Senja for testimonials? Jay collected over 377 testimonials and with Senja, he can display them all over the internet in minutes. More testimonials = less sales work for you.

Abhishek is a market researcher and the CEO of Deep Research where his team supports startup founders in finding their paying customers.

When I interviewed Abhishek last fall, MOST of his clients were coming from semi-private communities (think online forums and Slack groups).

Why? Because Abhishek had a whole messaging strategy around sharing little tidbits of success.

You’re going to be shocked 🤯 at how simple his strategy is AND you’ll be able to do it in less time than it takes to wash a load of laundry.

This tip is part of our new series: One Hour Visibility Hacks. Find Abhishek’s visibility hack below—and try it this week!

P.S. I’ve got a bonus community for you from last week’s issue! My famous and talented cousin just launched a helpful community for ad industry creatives 🤩 

Ashley Rutstein has been a go-to voice for creative direction on YouTube and TikTok for over a decade. Her audience is 100k strong and this membership won’t stay cheap for long! Launch pricing expires next week.

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  • Creatives Anonymous is a weekly newsletter written by Alexa Phillips that explores what it means to be a modern-day creative. Think of it like a support group that inspires, encourages, and empowers you to make space for creativity through essays, interviews, and more. Subscribe in 1 click here.

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Visibility Hack: Success Soundbites

The story

You’re impressing your clients every day but does anyone else know?

Rather than waste the good stories on a generic platform like Instagram, what Abhishek does is head straight for the NICHE COMMUNITIES. In his case, that’s founder communities.

He shares:
✏️ Projects his team is working on every week

✏️ Helpful replies to community members (i.e. his target market) that highlight his expertise in market research (i.e. what he sells)

✏️ Success stories featuring his clients that show off how good his work is!

I particularly latched onto that last part when Abhishek told me this anecdote:

“If they have a wins channel, whenever we do something good for our clients, we share that there. We have seen clients say ‘Hey, I was reading about you, but when you posted in the wins channel that this is a result that your client got, that's when I pulled the trigger.’

I’m now calling this the success soundbite.

The strategy

A success soundbite is when you share one of your client wins and how you helped them get there.

Here’s why I love this visibility hack so much:

💡It’s a reverse promotion. People don’t think they are being promoted to, but they are. They get drawn in by your story and it sells them on you a bit more.

💡It’s hyper targeted. You are in communities with buyers, partners, collaborators and amplifiers. Your choice of channel automatically qualifies the audience for the post.

💡It avoids algorithms. Private forums and groups will generally surface your post to everyone so it is guaranteed to get seen. Stop wasting these gems just on social!

The hack

Ready to hack this? Set a 60 min timer or find me on Groove today and let’s make it happen!

  1. Pick a recent client win OR a fresh testimonial

  2. Choose your most active community (not a social media channel)

  3. Write up your result as a quick story (doesn’t need to be long, but it should be specific and exciting.)

  4. Add your hook (yes, you need a hook! What will appeal to this community?)

  5. Post it!

Bonus points for sharing it in a few communities! Ones that you’re regularly active in will be the most effective. No one likes a ghost promoter.

🗒️ Need examples? See this post from Olly Meakings or this one from Grace Ling. I’m in a Slack with both of them and they repost their successes there to ensure they are seen by the right eyeballs.

📌 Like this tip? Add this on your calendar once a month and make it a habit!

📓 Plan your next quarter with us!

When I heard about Devin Lee’s Quarterly Planning Party from Kari Ginsburg, my ears perked up. I had always hated planning inside corporate environments but word was that Devin made it fun and doable.

You might think (as I once did) that you can do this alone and to that, I ask will you though? It’s really easy to brush this aside when you’re on your own. It’s the combo of the deadline, people and process that create the change.

I love Devin’s process so much we started teaming up to bring it to y’all!

Past participants of Devin’s QPP have reported back higher earnings, more balanced workloads and more predictable marketing wins.

As past participant and current Growthtracker Tamara Smith said “just putting pen to paper on this has generated some really interesting momentum.” The momentum is yours for the taking!

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