My favorite summer visibility hack

Now that's what I call maintenance mode marketing!

Collect testimonials with our featured sponsor Senja

What does maintenance mode marketing look like for you?

I had a call with a prospective client the other day who told me their pipeline runs hot or cold, meaning either they’re getting a flurry of leads or no leads at all.

When I asked what marketing they’re doing during those hot periods? You know, to prepare for the cold ones? The answer was well…nothing.

That’s why your faucet is running cold, babe!

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It’s officially summer for many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, and if you’re like me, you want to take a break and finally get into extreme ironing (or just hang out with your kids, that’s cool too).

We love to take it slow over here at Low Energy Leads, BUT it’s not great to ghost everyone for months at a time. Instead of doing that this summer, how about trying this week’s visibility hack?

I heard this hack from Systems Strategist Devin Lee and it’s been one of the single most talked about things from my podcast. Now, I’m handing it off to you with a bonus template! Find your new 20 MINUTE VISIBILITY HACK below.

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  • 🦄 Looking for the right coach as you make bold moves this summer? Certified coach Kari Ginsburg will help you design and deliver on your personal or business plans—in a way that's completely unique to you with Make Mayhem.

  • 🎙️ Your podcast can get overwhelming fast. But not when you have Alitu, the Podcast Maker! Alitu is designed to help creatives ship their shows 3x faster with end-to-end automations. Get 50% off your first month with code ROMAN50.

  •  Having marketing tool overload? Sign up for the Get Your Tech List Done" monthly subscription from Alexis at Mountain Cane Media. It’s a total bargain if you find yourself lost in your email newsletter, landing pages and workflows.

  • 🦩Wish your work stood out more? Alexa Phillips' newsletter Creatives Anonymous is just the type of creative support group you need. Subscribe with 1 click

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Visibility Hack: One Conversation a Day

The story

Before I met Devin Lee, I kept hearing her name in sessions with clients.

That’s because Devin is really good at networking.

But she doesn’t just show up and toss her business cards out at people.

She pays attention to *who is already in her network* and then she—wait for it—STAYS IN TOUCH WITH THEM.

Devin made herself a Conversation a Day Tracker, inspired by a rec from fellow systems expert Jordan Gill.

🎯 The goal is to have one conversation per day with her vetted network.

It’s not necessarily a live conversation, it’s sometimes a comment on a social media post, a quick email to say hey or a future coffee chat scheduled.

Even if Devin was to skip, let’s say a month of these, that’s still 240 reminders to referral partners, clients and prospects that put her back on someone’s radar year round.

The strategy

Devin uses Airtable to track her network. She told me she had 75 people in her Conversation a Day Tracker at the time of our interview last July.

In Devin’s case, this was referral partners and a few people she’d met networking, but in your case, consider also including ideal fit prospects and favorite clients.

Conversation a Day is an efficient hack because:

💡When you’re in the office, it’s 20 mins a day: Start or end your day with this simple goal of reconnecting with one person you already think is important.

💡When you’re not, you can schedule it: Flying to a remote island? Schedule a few of these emails to send right before you’re back so you have chats coming in upon return.

💡This is how you get more referrals: Using Devin as an example, with 75 people in the tracker and 240 working days, that’s 3x chats with each person throughout the year—making her highly likely to get any referrals that arise year round.

The hack

Ready to try this? Set a 60 min timer or find me on Groove today and let’s make it happen!

  1. Open a fresh spreadsheet or use my free networking tracker (also in Airtable and inspired by Devin!)

  2. Include these 4 columns: Name, Type of relationship, Last connect date, Notes

  3. Add in 5 people: Important people you want to stay in touch with, including but not limited to prospects, clients, referral partners, event organizers, and press contacts. You’ll add more later! Start with 5.

  4. Sort the tracker by oldest “Last connect date”

  5. Reach out to that top person and book a check in chat!

💡Don’t add everyone you meet! This is a “stay in touch” list not a “one time we said hi” list.

💬 Not fond of live chats? Take a hint from Devin and comment on one of their posts or send them a DM. Email’s fair game too!

📌 Like this tip? Add a daily reminder on your calendar!

🕸️ Top 5 networking tips for introverts

Devin’s visibility hack is networking at its finest and funnest but you also may want to expand who’s in your network. Here’s 5 of our best tips from the networking series contributors:

  1. Shift from quantity to quality: Anish Parikh reminded us that “human beings can maintain a maximum of 150 relationships at one time” so choose wisely :)

  2. Look for dual purpose communities: Jasmine Jae pointed out that you’ll get more out of something if it plays more than one role for you like networking + skillbuilding or networking + social activities.

  3. Curate with coffee chats: Kari Ginsburg highlighted that you can set a limit to how many casual coffee chats you want to do (which will make you a little more discerning about who you meet with!)

  4. Move beyond small talk: Kat Vellos specializes in this exact thing and shares tons of prompts in her store.

  5. Know how to bail: Laura Sinclair told us she uses her kids as an excuse to bow out of any weird convo. Don’t have kids? Use a pet! Don’t have a pet? Get one!

Which visibility hack was most useful?

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🤩 Coming up next month…add 100 subs to your email list! July’s theme is growing your newsletter. Plus, live events and a merch store are both heading your way.


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