This one thing is preventing my sales 😔

Lackluster reviews and who's doing them right!

Hope you enjoyed your stay. Can you leave us a review?
Thanks for buying something. Want to leave us a rating?
You’re a valued customer. How was our service today?

Everyone and their AI robot wants you to leave a review these days. And for good reason! It’s a major deciding factor in whether people buy or not.

We’re living in a time where even the British royal family are being debunked as faking their own photos. People need that communal trust more than ever.

Stubborn that I am, I have dragged my heels on making reviews a big part of my sales strategy. I would much prefer to never ask and never be asked for reviews.

But thanks to some feedback from buyers and non-buyers alike, I now know for a fact that my lackluster reviews have been preventing sales.

(can you hear that wah wah sad trombone sound?)

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